Manufacturer VDL
Max. Gross Vehicle Weight 44ton
Battery 72kWh
Range 350km
Fuel cell capacity 88kW
Power total 210kW
H2 Storage 30kg @ 350 bar
Torque (TBA)
Fuel cell manufacturer Ballard
Status 2020 part of demonstration project Hydrogen Region 2.0


The vehicle with the hydrogen range extender has the added benefit of being able to drive longer distances. The batteries are recharged during driving using electricity generated by the hydrogen fuel cell. This combination allows for a larger action radius. With the development of both electric vehicles, VDL is anticipating the demand based on emission-free driving regulations: from 2025 onwards only zero-emissions city buses will be allowed in the Netherlands. In the future this is expected to apply to trucks too.

The vehicles will be extensively tested and driven, after which they will be produced in small series. In a later stage VDL will examine possibilities for other electric vehicles, including an 18 ton rigid truck and other electric commercial vehicles such as waste collection trucks and container trucks.

The Hydrogen Region 2.0 project is funded by the European Union’s Interreg Flanders-Netherlands program.