Manufacturer E-Trucks Europe
End user Baetsen / Cure
Number of trucks 1 / 1
Operational area Eindhoven / Veldhoven
Type of truck Refuse truck

Manufacturer E-Trucks Europe
Max. Gross Vehicle Weight 26ton
Battery 154kWh
Range 400 (250)km (mls)
Fuel cell capacity 40kW
Power total 210 (280)kW (hp)
Torque 2000Nm
Fuel cell manufacturer Hydrogenics
Status Demonstration, in operation


E-Trucks Europe, converter of trucks to hydrogen-electric vehicles and Hydrogenics GmbH, provider of the fuel cell, covered the technical part in this project. They equipped both garbage trucks with an electric powertrain, a battery package and a fuel cell that converts hydrogen to electricity, in order to charge the battery. The action radius of the truck is extended by means of the so-called ‘hydrogen range extender’, providing power for a full day of operation without the need of charging electrically. The powertrain is fully electric and zero-emission.

Garbage trucks are mainly operational in densely populated urban areas, in which there are strict criteria concerning emissions and environmental standards. A garbage truck on hydrogen is zero emission and is largely silent, thus meeting municipalities’ waste collection institutions and the local residents’ requirements.

‘LIFE ‘N GARB HY!’ stands for ‘LIquidation of Full Emission and Noise by GARBage trucks with HYdrogen’.

The project is a joint initiative by WaterstofNet, E-Trucks Europe, Baetsen Groep, Cure Afvalbeheer and Hydrogenics GmbH.

The Life ‘N Grab Hy! activities have received funding from the European Union’s LIFE Programme under the Grant Agreement nr. LIFE14 ENV/BE/000415